If “Prohibition” had a better happy hour menu I might have been inside during the fire! Luckily no one was hurt.
Tallahassee, Florida
Boston, Massachusetts – Day 5
Boston, Massachusetts – Day 4
Boston, Massachusetts – Day 3
Boston, Massachusetts – Day 2
Boston, Massachusetts – Day 1
Last Thursday, Portland, Oregon
Last Thursday is a community grown event, free to all artists and art vendors, musicians, performers & visitors.
Some very amazing art by some very talented people; as well as the exact opposite.
Later I met Patrick, Kelly, and Meagan (If I recall correctly, which I’m pretty sure I’m not). Patrick was from Brazil but traveling around the states, and Kelly was traveling as well (though originally from Bend, Oregon). Patrick said he’d gone to Palermo, Argentina recently which is exactly where I was looking to go. Very reassuring.
Portland, Oregon – Day 8
I’ve found each place I’ve been I usually have one night that I can really say stands out from the rest. The one that reminds me that the 10 hour airport days are worth it. Last night was definitely it.
“Roots on the Rails” featuring Butch Hancock, Jimmy Dale Gilmore, and Fred Eaglesmith
They told a much more “grown up” version of this joke as well as many others:
Three race horses were bragging about their race averages.
“I won 5 out of 20 races,” said the first horse.
“Oh yea! I won 15 out of my 30,” said the second.
“Hah! I won 50 out of 60,” said the third.
Hiding behind a hay bail, a greyhound was listening in on the conversation. He steps into view and says. “Well I won 99 out of 100 of my races.”
The third horse looks at the second horse and says
“WOW!!…. A talking dog!”
Portland, Oregon – Day 7
I went to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and checked out a few exhibits and saw a 3D IMAX movie. Always love going to 3D movies when there are a bunch of little kids watching as well and watching them as they try to grab the screen.
Pine State Biscuts — enough said.
Then spent the next 5 hours making jam! Quite an intensive process but very cool. Picking, juicing, jellying, and jarring.